- 1. Become informed with intelligent reasoning that answers the false messages that confuse the issues. Articles & videos are available that give clear, direct reasons why man-woman marriage is harmed by legalizing same-sex marriage and the need of children to be raised by both a father and a mother. See the RESOUCES page of this site to get informed.
- 2. Attend a neighborhood group in your area. Learn how and why to stand up for marriage with love for those who struggle with same sex attraction. Groups are being formed now and you can sign up at on the NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS page of this site. Help us spread this grassroots movement of commitment and compassion.
- 3. Share what you learn with your family, neighbors & friends about this issue. Kids feel intense pressure at school and deserve to have tools to defend their beliefs with courage, reason & kindness.
- 4. Share articles and information on Social Media, speak up in support of marriage and invite others to get involved. We'll be posting memes that you can download and share with Pinterest, Facebook and email.
- 5. Attend rallys, conferences and other functions to show your support for natural marriage. Find strength in numbers and show the nation & judges we believe marriage should be preserved as the union of one man & one woman.
- 6. Contribute money to help purchase pamphlets and printing costs, radio ads, pay travel costs for rally speakers, etc. Even small donations make a big difference. Help us stand up for the children.
- 7. Support online editorials, articles and op ed pieces by "liking" positive comments and as you get braver, make your own comments. When you've read and listened to the issues you'll learn to make intelligent points with kindness.
- 8. Organize a neighborhood meeting to help friends & family understand the issues. Invite a guest speaker on the HOST A SPEAKER page of this site. Resources are also available to help you plan your meeting.
- 9. Help with events such as rallys, concerts and conferences where speakers can share their understanding with others. People are needed to help with registration, yard signs, calling, working booths, etc. Children deserve our support.
10. Join the Writers Bureau and write your own op ed pieces to give intelligent reasons why marriage should be reserved for one man & one woman. Civil discourse is needed to promote better understanding of the consequences of refining marriage. Sign up on the WRITERS UNITE! page of this site.
11. Help organize community events Serve on the organizing committee for rallies, conferences, firesides, etc. Make phone calls, pick up speakers & more. Be anxiously engaged in a good cause.
CLICK HERE sign up and let us know what you'd like to do.
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