Please join us September 18th, 7PM at the state capitol to show the world where you stand.
The Supreme Court just announced that they will decide whether to take up Utah’sfinal marriage appeal within the month, while another 31 states, anxiously look on, relying on Utah to defend their marriage law at this defining moment.
Justice Scalia gave prescient perspective on this case over a year ago by candidly stating: “I promise you this: The only thing that will ‘confine’ the Court’s holding is itssense of what it can get away with.”
From a sweeping majority of heartland voters and legislators to the elite Supreme Court Judges, the nation is watching Utah as we make our debut as a swing state this month. The cultural question has unavoidably become: Will Mormon’s challenge the court’s “sense of what it can get away with”? Or will they silently acquiesce to the judicial tyranny that overrode 66% of Utah voters.

LaVar Christensen, Author of Utah’s marriage amendment, will be hosting an event that gives Utahns a chance to answer that question, September 18th at 7PM at the capitol Rotunda. The Nation’s top voices in the battle for marriage will be gathering in Utah, and we hope you will share in this opportunity to show the nation that Utah values marriage. We’ll find out what’s the latest, what’s at stake, and what we can do about it.

We’ll hear from Brian Brown, the President of the National Organization for Marriage about the national legislative strategy to defend marriage, and the possibility of a constitutional marriage amendment.

Special Assistant Attorney General Gene Schaer will share the latest on the case. This is a rare opportunity to hear the inside scoop from the one man who knows the case inside and out. He will also tell us why legal precedent suggests Utah will win at the Supreme Court.

Robert Oscar Lopez will share his eye opening experience being raised by two moms. Find out what led him to love, live, and leave the gay community, becoming one of the most unexpected and powerful pro-family advocates in this story the left doesn’t want you to hear.

The questions surrounding this issue inspire me to see the unique good in marriage and to protect this tradition in my own family, while recognizing the potential harm a redefinition brings to my neighbors, as well as my own children.For example, how can we say that fathers are essential in the lives of children when the court has redefined marriage to say that fathers are optional? Which gender does society not need? Can two mothers ever replace a father in the life of a child? And, if relationships are important, don’t children deserve to have their most formative relationships legally protected?

The full value of marriage can only be seen when juxtaposed with it’s opposite: Gay marriage ends the power of marriage to bond parent to child and uses it instead to alienate a child from at least one of his or her parents. This is done not to meet the needs of the child, as happens in adoption, but rather to endorse the “intimate and emotional” needs of adults. Utah has a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the irreplaceable good that marriage gives society, in a way that can influence the nation’s perception of marriage. The nation waits for our response. Just as the court deliberates on our appeal. We are forced to deliberate the same question. Our response will be recognized easily. As one resistance leader said in a different perilous hour, “Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.'’
I hope you will join us as we reaffirm the public value of marriage as well as children’s right to have relationships. While it is intriguing to realize that the nation is watching, we cannot forget that for our culture, our families, and especially our own children, marriage will be defined by our willingness to publicly sacrifice for it. Please join us September 18th, 7PM at the state capitol to show the world where you stand.